Enrollment options

IACACP Child Online Protection

Course categoryDSWD

Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation and Children (OSAEC) is a current issue and posted several challenges in the areas of child protection. Some of the limitations in case management and response are victim-survivor identification, OSAEC-specific protocol, and referral pathway, and unified and harmonized reporting and monitoring information system among others. 

OSAEC was compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic. The online proliferation of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), under-reporting of cases, and limitation of providing immediate response because of community restrictions are some of the complications brought about by the pandemic. This E-learning course on OSAEC is designed to address the gap to continuously provide the necessary updates and support for RIACAT, RSCWC, and LCPC members and partners through innovative and interactive capacity building.  

This is a free course that utilizes various asynchronous online learning modalities, and content, wherein participants get to take the course within their own phase but within the prescribed period. At the successful completion of the course, participants will be given Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points subject to the assessment of the PRC.

The topics include:

  1. Understanding Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children
  2. The Legal Framework on OSAEC
  3. The Philippine Plan of Action to End Violence Against Children
  4. The National Response Plan to address OSAEC
  5. The Case Management Process

To enroll in the course, please contact the Interagency Council Against Child Pornography via info@iacacp.gov.ph or enter the enrollment key if you were already  provided with this (you must  be  logged in first)

Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)